10 Amazing Benefits of Foot Acupressure You Should Know About

10 Amazing Benefits of Foot Acupressure You Should Know About

 Foot acupressure is a form of pressure point massage that involves the use of fingers, thumbs and elbows to apply pressure on specific areas of your feet. Reflexology is one of the most popular forms of foot massages and it can be used to treat various health conditions. Foot acupressure works in conjunction with reflexology,…

What Are The Best Insoles For Plantar Fasciitis

What Are The Best Insoles For Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a medical condition that causes inflammation to the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects your heel bone to the rest of your foot. Plantar fasciitis can be caused when you have an overpronation, or an excessive inward rolling motion in your foot while walking or running. Running on…